As for the character, I should probably explain a couple things about her to be perfectly clear on why certain things are in the illustration. She has fey in her bloodline, and was raised in (read: by) the woods due to her parents illegal dealings in hallucinogenic (and magical) mushrooms. I wanted the character to be totally out of place in the grim gothic horror of Ravenloft, so I decided she was a bit of a space cadet, who loved animals (ducks in particular), and whose main weapon was her imaginary friend/giant spoon (lovingly named "Coop the Scoop"). Her parents were taken away and killed and she was raised by a wealthy dude and his 6 bitch-ass daughters. Anyway, Parsley, over the course of our journey had the following happen to her (not necessarily in this order):
- Was told by an all-powerful computer that she had to use necromancy to see ducks again
- Saw several visions of her dead parents, including an instance of them coming out of a camel's humps
- Had a horse come back to life only to have it killed by Brian Mulroney
- Had several arguments with Brian Mulroney leading to several attempts on her life
- Had her love of animals nearly completely destroyed
- Was brainwashed by a squirrel demon
- Fell off a cliff
- Died
- Got her soul sucked into the all-powerful computer, destroying it
- Came back to life, undead
- Killed many a squirrel
- Had her adoptive family attempt to kill her in the form of living mushrooms
- Was effectively brainwashed by a lich
- Attempted to kill and was subsequently killed by another party member
Hopefully that explains the image somewhat... Maybe?
This is excellent!
ReplyDeleteJust read the actual text. Even more excellent!